H1 Heading One
Arem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi interdum nisl et nibh pretium viverra. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Aliquam posuere justo lorem, sed this is a link convallis velit accumsan sit amet. Curabitur non viverra odio, vitae commodo nunc. Morbi non fermentum leo. Aenean quis venenatis sem, ac tristique quam. Suspendisse finibus cursus ligula, vitae mollis neque maximus sed.
In sem ligula, sollicitudin nec dapibus eu, vehicula vel mauris. Sed in suscipit lorem, quis venenatis lacus. Sed nec neque enim.
BLOCKQUOTE Donec at finibus nulla, et euismod lectus. Quisque molestie nulla nibh. Etiam elit mi, hendrerit at eleifend id, commodo eget nisi. Quisque vel orci condimentum, convallis tellus ut, rhoncus nibh. Pellentesque vel est at tellus porta condimentum eu efficitur felis. Vestibulum eget ante vel neque eleifend elementum quis ut dui. Nulla interdum euismod ligula sit amet placerat. Maecenas hendrerit eget nibh venenatis egestas. Morbi quis varius nunc, in fringilla sapien.
Cras condimentum erat in augue sagittis, quis convallis neque porta. Aliquam et molestie felis. Sed bibendum ipsum lacus, et auctor sapien bibendum eget. Vestibulum posuere vitae ligula euismod molestie. Mauris efficitur dignissim elit, sit amet dignissim ligula pulvinar non. Etiam eu libero eu dolor luctus molestie at ut urna. Etiam in est lectus. Quisque convallis sagittis justo, a eleifend nisl. Nam mi diam, vestibulum sed diam et, hendrerit tristique tortor. Phasellus sed justo porta, consectetur massa at, vestibulum neque. Donec et leo sed ex pellentesque molestie. Nullam purus orci, accumsan ac posuere id, efficitur quis justo. Cras nibh enim, vestibulum et facilisis vitae, malesuada interdum leo.
H2 Heading Two
Cras vel eros tincidunt, blandit massa ut, egestas metus. Donec sed nisi sed velit fringilla fringilla eget in orci. Vestibulum vestibulum purus vitae nisi mollis, aliquam gravida felis dapibus. Sed id mattis ante, non lobortis nunc. Cras laoreet, tortor vel aliquet facilisis, erat nunc condimentum nisi, a convallis nisi urna ac tortor. Curabitur non purus sed neque dapibus lacinia. Sed eu varius felis. Aenean vitae metus tempor, sagittis ipsum a, tristique est. Nunc ligula ante, auctor sit amet finibus quis, sodales at sem. Praesent et augue vitae tortor eleifend varius. Sed ultricies ligula eu viverra sagittis. Nam dictum urna et ligula accumsan consectetur. Curabitur at interdum mauris. Mauris congue eros id enim scelerisque blandit. Nullam dictum lacus vitae nulla commodo vulputate.
- Pellentesque luctus magna at turpis tempus consequat.
- Curabitur tempor magna nec purus lobortis finibus.
- Sed id tellus sit amet nisl mollis feugiat ut eu lacus.
- Suspendisse congue purus a purus blandit pellentesque.
- Praesent condimentum eros vel arcu sodales commodo.
H3 Heading Three
Morbi aliquet lectus porta, placerat justo lacinia, porta urna. Donec et faucibus felis. In ornare lectus eget risus fringilla suscipit. Vivamus ut ante arcu. Donec sodales felis nec eleifend dictum. Vestibulum fringilla purus tortor, eget efficitur nulla rutrum vel. Phasellus porta sapien vel sapien convallis bibendum. Morbi interdum a mauris eget scelerisque.
H4 Heading Four
Morbi aliquet lectus porta, placerat justo lacinia, porta urna. Donec et faucibus felis. In ornare lectus eget risus fringilla suscipit. Vivamus ut ante arcu. Donec sodales felis nec eleifend dictum. Vestibulum fringilla purus tortor, eget efficitur nulla rutrum vel. Phasellus porta sapien vel sapien convallis bibendum. Morbi interdum a mauris eget scelerisque.
H5 Heading Five
Morbi aliquet lectus porta, placerat justo lacinia, porta urna. Donec et faucibus felis. In ornare lectus eget risus fringilla suscipit. Vivamus ut ante arcu. Donec sodales felis nec eleifend dictum. Vestibulum fringilla purus tortor, eget efficitur nulla rutrum vel. Phasellus porta sapien vel sapien convallis bibendum. Morbi interdum a mauris eget scelerisque.
H6 Heading Six
Morbi aliquet lectus porta, placerat justo lacinia, porta urna. Donec et faucibus felis. In ornare lectus eget risus fringilla suscipit. Vivamus ut ante arcu. Donec sodales felis nec eleifend dictum. Vestibulum fringilla purus tortor, eget efficitur nulla rutrum vel. Phasellus porta sapien vel sapien convallis bibendum. Morbi interdum a mauris eget scelerisque.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi interdum nisl et nibh pretium viverra. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Aliquam posuere justo lorem, sed convallis velit accumsan sit amet. Curabitur non viverra odio, vitae commodo nunc. Morbi non fermentum leo. Aenean quis venenatis sem, ac tristique quam. Suspendisse finibus cursus ligula, vitae mollis neque maximus sed.
H1 Heading One
Cras vel eros tincidunt, blandit massa ut, egestas metus. Donec sed nisi sed velit fringilla fringilla eget in orci. Vestibulum vestibulum purus vitae nisi mollis, aliquam gravida felis dapibus. Sed id mattis ante, non lobortis nunc. Cras laoreet, tortor vel aliquet facilisis, erat nunc condimentum nisi, a convallis nisi urna ac tortor. Curabitur non purus sed neque dapibus lacinia. Sed eu varius felis. Aenean vitae metus tempor, sagittis ipsum a, tristique est. Nunc ligula ante, auctor sit amet finibus quis, sodales at sem. Praesent et augue vitae tortor eleifend varius. Sed ultricies ligula eu viverra sagittis. Nam dictum urna et ligula accumsan consectetur. Curabitur at interdum mauris. Mauris congue eros id enim scelerisque blandit. Nullam dictum lacus vitae nulla commodo vulputate.
Perpetua Charles
Location: Boston, MA Job Title: Publicist Organization: Beacon [...]
Macy Becker
Location: Kansas City, KS Job Title: Director of [...]
Erika Gonzalez
Location: Houston, TX Job Title: Director of Worship [...]
Nnemka Nwajiaku
Location: Charlotte, NC Job Title: Clinical Research Coordinator [...]
Caitlin Desmé
Location: Fort Myers, FL Job Title: Learning & Development [...]
Elizabeth Campo
Location: Dallas, TX Job Title: Volunteer Specialist Organization: [...]
While one of the requirements to being a GIVEN Mentor is attendance at at least one Leadership Forum, we sometimes offer a one-time mentoring conversation with women in our network who are seeking support for a specific skill. A follow-up conversation is scheduled upon review of application if skills and experience match the needs required.
GIVEN Mentors, both lay and consecrated serve as volunteers. While at the Forum, they receive complimentary food and lodging at the host site.
Mentors are required to participate in virtual preparatory training sessions leading up to the Forum and commit to an initial relationship of one year with up to two mentees in order to accompany them as the young women continue to integrate Forum themes and ideas into their lives and implement their Action Plans.
Absolutely! We have been blessed with the presence of many religious sisters who have spent a year accompanying young women in our Art of Accompaniment program. To be a considered as a Mentor, a religious sister must be fully professed or in temporary vows.
You must be over the age of 36 and have 8+ years of experience in your profession or vocation. Mentors must have a willingness to journey with other women in their particular state in life, leading from her own experience and personal relationship with Jesus Christ and the Church.
GIVEN is committed to hosting the 2022 Forum safely and in person. We will follow the regulations and policies of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia and Neumann University. Under current requirements, GIVEN plans to exercise the following safety measures at the Forum:
- Face coverings: Everyone attending the GIVEN Forum will be required to wear a mask over her nose and mouth at all times indoors.
- Daily health screening: Attendees and guests will be required to complete a daily health check and show the resulting clearance when entering a building.
- Additional safety measures for residential guests: For attendees staying in the dorms, guests who have received a COVID vaccination will be asked to provide proof of vaccination. Non-vaccinated guests will be asked to provide a negative antigen test completed within 24 hours of check-in or a negative PCR test within 3 days of check-in.
Please check back for updates as the situation evolves. Although we are taking necessary precautionary measures, our goal is to preserve the spirit of the Forum–a beautiful community of women leaders! We are looking forward to welcoming you to the Archdiocese of Philadelphia!
Absolutely. The GIVEN Institute encourages accepted participants to seek support from friends, family, parish members, and others so that they can attend the Forum and bring their gifts back to their local community. Many GIVEN Forum participants have also asked their workplace or diocese to sponsor their attendance.
Yes, a limited number of scholarships are available for participants in need of assistance. Applicants will have the opportunity to request a scholarship while completing the application.
Through the generosity of benefactors and philanthropic foundations, the GIVEN Institute has been able to subsidize the cost of the leadership Forum and ongoing programming. Participant contribution to the Forum includes a registration fee of $650 and the cost of travel. Your registration fee includes food and lodging as well as Forum programming and dedicated one-on-one mentorship from August 2022-May 2023.
The GIVEN Institute will welcome 100-170 young women leaders to participate in the Forum in 2022.
We want everyone to identify and encourage young women to consider applying. If you are a priest, campus minister, religious sister, or any member of the lay faithful who knows a young woman with exceptional faith and potential, please let her know about the GIVEN Forum and send her the link to our website. Impact Investment sponsorships are also available for those who would like to financially support a young woman who has been accepted to the GIVEN Forum.
The deadline to apply for the GIVEN Forum is February 18, 2022, and The GIVEN Institute will notify the young women who have applied whether they have been accepted into the 2022 cohort in March.
The deadline to submit an application for the 2022 GIVEN Forum is February 18, 2022.
You can meet the 2022 GIVEN Forum speakers here!
Yes! Past participants have come from many countries, including Canada, Ireland, Mexico, Singapore and the Philippines. International applicants should note that they will be responsible for traveling to the Forum and coordinating any needed documentation.
The GIVEN Institute welcomes young adult Catholic women to apply for the 2022 Forum who will be between the ages of 21 and 30 as of June 21, 2022, who have significant leadership experience or leadership potential, who are engaged in their Catholic faith, and who desire to cultivate their gifts to enrich the culture, the Church, and those in their care. Women enrolled in RCIA programs may also apply.
The GIVEN Forum will be hosted by the Archdiocese of Philadelphia. The program will include visits to the St. Charles Borromeo seminary and the Cathedral Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul, which is home to St. Katharine Drexel’s tomb.
The 2022 GIVEN Forum will begin on Tuesday, June 21, 2022 and end on Saturday, June 25, 2022. Participants must commit to attending the entire Forum.
“There were so many examples of women in the Church living vibrantly through different vocations. As a single woman with a career in business, being present at GIVEN opened my eyes to see that God can do anything with your ‘Yes’ if you give it to Him.”
“I had been discerning a vocation to the religious life for a few years before attending GIVEN, and although not expecting it at all, it was at GIVEN that God clearly called me to Himself. I went to the forum simply looking for leadership skills and networking opportunities with other Catholic women, and I left joyfully accepting God’s call to be totally His. I am now applying to a religious order!”
“GIVEN helped me to reexamine what I always felt was a tension between the vocation of a wife and mother with professional aspirations. It helped me to understand better the many fruitful ways that women live out their vocations in an integrated way.”
The GIVEN Forum is a one-of-a-kind, multi-day event that provides leadership training, faith formation, and networking opportunities to emerging Catholic female leaders. It is designed to help young adult Catholic women with a heart for mission and an aptitude for leadership identify their particular gifts and find practical pathways to put them in the service of the Gospel.
Yes, mothers are welcome to bring infants under 1 year to the Forum.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas sagittis ac elit ut accumsan. Aliquam porttitor faucibus augue. Fusce aliquet elit sed diam congue, ut pulvinar arcu egestas. Vestibulum scelerisque, orci non euismod convallis, leo risus facilisis elit, eu malesuada sapien nisl in lectus. Phasellus in iaculis nunc, vitae commodo orci. Cras semper risus et accumsan hendrerit. In hac habitasse platea dictumst.
Fusce faucibus dui in risus dapibus congue. Nullam consectetur dolor dignissim metus pharetra, vitae vulputate ex elementum. Proin quis quam ultrices, pharetra dui vel, interdum lorem. Quisque elit lacus, lobortis sed malesuada id, iaculis eu mi. Pellentesque non commodo turpis. Mauris rhoncus a quam sit amet suscipit. Ut tortor lacus, efficitur eget sapien ut, cursus ultricies urna. Phasellus tincidunt mattis dolor vitae varius. Aenean aliquam nunc at lectus pellentesque dignissim. Quisque placerat mi dapibus vulputate blandit.
Proin quis odio pharetra, vulputate felis quis, hendrerit sem. Pellentesque non eros eu ipsum elementum lobortis mollis eget quam. Duis in est blandit ex laoreet lacinia. Vestibulum neque est, laoreet blandit laoreet facilisis, vehicula vitae ex. Etiam vitae congue neque. Nunc commodo pharetra velit sit amet dictum. Morbi finibus augue eget egestas aliquet. Mauris auctor eros eu mi tincidunt, eget congue enim posuere. Nulla facilisi. Nam nec justo vitae nibh gravida gravida. Phasellus gravida metus a volutpat tincidunt. Pellentesque fringilla, nisl tristique lobortis suscipit, mauris nunc maximus libero, et convallis mauris justo non dolor. Pellentesque eget quam egestas, vulputate purus ut, pulvinar nisi.