What leaders are saying about GIVEN

Most Reverend José H. Gomez

Archbishop of Los Angeles

“The Christian faith begins with the story of two women — the Blessed Virgin Mary and St. Elizabeth. They were the first to say “yes” to God’s plan for Jesus. And it was a woman, St. Mary Magdalene, who was the first to proclaim Christ risen from the dead. Women are at the heart of God’s loving plan for our lives and our world. That is why the mission of GIVEN is so vitally important. In raising up young women and forming them to be leaders in the Church, GIVEN is preparing a new generation to follow in the footsteps of all those heroic and holy women who have inspired and guided the Church down through the centuries.”


Professor of Law, Antonin Scalia Law School, George Mason University

“We may be living in the 21st century, but that doesn’t mean we’ve figured out all that’s possible when it comes to Catholic women giving their gifts to family, friends, work, community, and Church. GIVEN will show us a thousand new ways and more.

Mother Agnes Mary
Donovan, SV

Superior General Emerita of the Sisters of Life

“GIVEN was and is a significant response on the part of the Church to encourage, inspire and mentor young women at a crucial moment in their lives. The GIVEN Forum provides these women with an opportunity to receive from the stores of the wisdom and experience of lay and women religious leaders, and to form community with each other. We want each of them to know they are loved, noticed and necessary.”

His Eminence Timothy Cardinal Dolan

Archbishop of New York

“At a time when our Church is considering anew how it can activate the gifts of women and how it can embolden and sustain the faith of its young adult members, The GIVEN Institute emerges a timely apostolate that is both faithful and forward-thinking. I am confident that will bear fruit for the life of the Church for years to come.”

Mary Rice Hasson

Director of Catholic Women’s Forum

“I was blessed to speak at the GIVEN leadership training conference for young women, held in Washington, D.C. It was inspiring to meet so many vibrant young women, brimming with talent and love for the Lord. More than an opportunity for “networking” and “mentoring” (although GIVEN provided opportunities for both), the GIVEN experience drew together an impressive lineup of both speakers and attendees. It created a spiritual ‘updraft’ for all, and promises to bear great fruit for the Church. Take heart – good things are happening in the Church! God is at work!”

Most Reverend Joseph Naumann

Archbishop of the Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas

“It’s inspiring to see these young Catholic women so alive in the faith and so joyous in wanting to find how the Lord is uniquely calling them to follow Him.”

Listen to Archbishop Naumann interview GIVEN ’16 alumna Brooke Choquette on The Shepherd’s Voice podcast.

Sr. Mary Christine Cremin, RSM

Former Executive Director, CMSWR

“GIVEN began as an initiative of the Council of Major Superiors of Women Religious (CMSWR) during the Year of Consecrated Life, responding to the call from Pope Francis to form missionary disciples. The Institute is now established as their own entity forming and mentoring young Catholic women committed to the work of the Church and sending them forth with action plans in their work of evangelization. The women Religious of the CMSWR play a major role in GIVEN’s mission by serving as mentors to the young women. As mentors, our sisters provide a unique and vibrant witness of a life of faith and self-gift to the young women. At a time when the Catholic Church is very much in need of faithful, committed young people, the program GIVEN offers is invaluable.

Most Reverend Thomas G. Wenski

Archbishop of Miami

“The Archdiocese of Miami has participated in both GIVEN conferences, with both participants and mentors, and without exception the experiences of the participants have been rich and profound. Through their experiences at GIVEN, young women from the Archdiocese of Miami have been equipped and inspired to share their unique gifts for the good of the local Church.

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