Join GIVEN and Maryland Catholic Women’s Conference for a GIVEN Gathering! Open to women of all ages, this gathering will be a taste of GIVEN and an opportunity to hear speakers who inspire you to receive the gift that you are, realize the gifts you’ve been given, and respond with the gift only you can give.
Ticket sales end Thursday, September 29 at noon!

Date and Time
October 1, 2022
10:00 AM – 5:30 PM
St. Joseph Church, 8420 Belair Rd, Nottingham, MD 21236

10am Check-in at Parish Center with vendors and bakery options for purchase
10:30am Welcome
10:45 Talk: Receive the Gift that you Are with Sr. Amelia Hueller, OP
11:30 Break
11:45 Talk: Realize the Gifts You’ve Been Given with Sandra Coles-Bell
12:30 Lunch and Networking; Visit Exhibitor Tables
2:00 Holy Hour and Confession
3:10 Talk: Respond With the Gift Only You Can Give with Kate Capato
3:55 Action Plan Witness and Workshop
4:15 Closing Remarks
4:30 Mass and offertory procession

Interested in supporting the GIVEN Gathering as a parish or organization? View the sponsorship options below:
Presenting Sponsor
Share your message by placing an item in the attendee gift bag.
Exhibitor Table
Meet attendees at an exhibitor table to share your mission or sell goods.
Event Sponsorship
Support the event as a sponsor and get tickets for your group to attend.
Attendees will have the chance to visit our exhibitors, learn more and purchase items from local Catholic businesses!

Receive the Gift that You Are: Sr. Amelia Hueller, OP
Sr. Amelia is a member of the Dominican Sisters of St. Cecilia (Nashville, TN). Prior to entering the convent, Sister worked in Maternal and Child Health and served immigrant populations. In 2006 Sister entered the convent; through her community’s teaching apostolate, she accompanies students to the United Nations Conference on the Status of Women where the students grapple with the challenging content through the use of Catholic Social Teaching. Sister Amelia currently serves at St. Anthony Catholic School in Washington, D.C. and teaches Middle School religion and history.
Realize the Gifts You’ve Been Given: Sandra Coles-Bell
Sandra Coles-Bell serves as the Executive Director of the National Black Sisters’ Conference, an organization founded by African American religious in 1968 with the mission of unification and advocacy. Prior to this position, she worked at the Archdiocese of Washington as the Program Director in the Office of Cultural Diversity and Outreach. She holds a Masters in Administration from the University of Maryland’s Global Campus in College Park and a Bachelors in Biology from the Lincoln University in Pennsylvania. Sandra’s passion for effective leadership and communication found her as a member of Toastmasters International for over 30 years where she served in leadership and mentors several current and past leaders in their role. Sandra serves as a lector at the Basilica of the National Shrine in addition to her home parish. She is the mother of three children and the grandmother of three.
Respond with the Gift Only You Can Give: Kate Capato
Kate Capato, Visual Grace, is a Catholic contemporary sacred art painter and speaker rooted in the tradition of the faith. She creates oil paintings inspired by prayer and the truths of our faith and is greatly influenced by the Renaissance masters due to her gifted time studying in Florence Italy.
As a missionary of Divine beauty, Kate travels around with her art speaking about beauty and the ways the Lord shares his love with us through it. She is available to create new works for your churches, communities, and homes as well as to travel world wide to you and share the faith through beauty. In addition to painting and speaking, Kate continues the mission of beauty through her gifts of dancing and photography, bringing more ways to receive God’s love and to reach many hearts. With the aim of combining the mission of cultural restoration and the arts, Visual Grace promotes truth, beauty and goodness in a way that inspires others to respond to the unique call of grace in their own lives.
Emcee & Action Plan Witness: Katie Weiss
participant of the first GIVEN Forum in 2016, Katie Weiss’s action plan was to lead a small group program on prayer and art. This action plan later developed into Behold Visio Divina, a ministry that helps women understand their dignity through pondering the feminine genius of Mary in art.
Through books, group formation, online community, museum days, and workshops, Behold gives women the opportunity to grow in their relationship with God and one another. Currently, Behold has five published books and has groups both within the United States and internationally.
Katie is a New Jersey native and received her undergraduate degree in Theology from Catholic Distance University. Her talks and workshops have been featured in multiple venues, such as the Frassati Fellowship of New York City, the Edith Stein Project, and Franciscan University. Katie speaks often on the topics of: Prayer, Theology of the Body, Beauty, Healing through Art, and the Feminine Genius.
Music led by Ina Aquino, Alyssa Dela Rosa and the St. Joseph House Band
Attending: The Sisters of Our Lady of Mercy, Salesian Sisters, Daughters of Saint Paul
Are you a GIVEN alumna or religious sister who would like to volunteer at this event? Email us!