Maryland GIVEN Gathering
October 1, 2022 @ 10:00 am - 5:30 pm EDT
| $45.00 – $400.00Join GIVEN and Maryland Catholic Women’s Conference for a GIVEN Gathering! Open to women of all ages, this gathering will be a taste of GIVEN and an opportunity to hear speakers who inspire you to receive the gift that you are, realize the gifts you’ve been given, and respond with the gift only you can give. REGISTRATION DEADLINE: Thursday, September 29 at noon.
Click here for more information.
Programming is planned for an audience of adult women. Mothers are welcome to bring babies along!
9:30am Check-in at Parish Center with vendors and bakery options for purchase
10:30am Welcome
10:45 Talk: Receive the Gift that you Are with Sr. Amelia Hueller, OP
11:30 Break
11:45 Talk: Realize the Gifts You’ve Been Given with Sandra Coles-Bell
12:30 Lunch and Vendors
2:00 Holy Hour and Confession
3:10 Talk: Respond With the Gift Only You Can Give with Kate Capato
3:55 Action Plan Witness with Katie Weiss
4:15 Closing Remarks
4:30 Mass and offertory procession
Ticket sales will end on Thursday, September 29 at noon!