In celebration of International Women’s Day during Women’s History Month, GIVEN presents a discussion with Catholic female leaders. We’re looking forward to a great conversation tonight! If you registered, please check your email for the access link shortly before the event.

Meet the Panelists
Moderator: Rachel Harkins Ullmann
Rachel serves as the Executive Director of The GIVEN Institute. Prior to joining GIVEN, Rachel worked in the Archdiocese of Baltimore for over twelve years supporting parishes and schools with their advancement efforts. Rachel has also taught theology courses in Catholic schools and served as Campus Minister at Mount de Sales Academy under the leadership of the Dominican Sisters of St. Cecilia. She is a graduate of Franciscan University of Steubenville, where she majored in Theology and Catechetics and obtained her Masters in Education Administration from Johns Hopkins University. Rachel is a harpist and has traveled to Australia, Israel, and all over Europe (favorite cities being Rome, Lourdes, and Fatima). Her greatest source of joy is her husband Tony and her children, Evangeline, Cooper, and Theodore.
Rachel Bulman
Rachel Bulman is a writer, speaker, and retreat leader. She frequently writes for the Word on Fire blog and, and her first book will be published with Our Sunday Visitor next year titled “Becoming Wife: Self-Gift in Matrimony”. She has also contributed to two books which will be published with Ignatius Press and Ave Maria Press this year and has essays published in the Word on Fire Institute Theological Journal. She is married and has four children with two more on the way. Rachel is a member of GIVEN’s Advisory Council.
Sr. Desiré Anne-Marie Findlay, CSSF
Sister Desiré Anne-Marie Findlay is a member of the Congregation of the Sisters of St. Felix, a Franciscan community also known as the Felician Sisters. Sister Desiré received her Bachelor’s degree in secondary education at the University of New Mexico before entering her community. After four years in formation with the Felician Sisters, she moved to Southern California where she taught Theology, Spanish and Dance at an all-girl’s high school. Sister Desiré now lives in Western Pennsylvania where she works closely with Catholic youth and young adults as the Vocation Director for her community.
Samantha Kelley (GIVEN ’16)
Samantha is the Founder and current President of FIERCE Athlete Inc. She played Division 1 Soccer at UConn, and is currently involved in competitive rowing. She has spent the last 10 years working for Catholic nonprofits and outreaching to female athletes. She graduated with a Masters in Catholic Psychology, holds certification in Strength & Conditioning and has extensively studied the Theology of the Body. It was actually through the teachings of Theology of the Body and the Catholic Church that she has discovered what it means to be both feminine and athletic. These teachings have the power to heal and through FIERCE Athlete she desires to share those truths with female athletes and women across the world.
Samantha Povlock (GIVEN ’16)
Samantha Povlock is the Founder of FemCatholic, a media company working to empower women in the truth of our faith. A recent transplant to Philadelphia, Samantha works by day in banking project management. She is a Notre Dame grad and mom of two.
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