
The young women who have participated in the Forum and mentorship year have overwhelmingly reported how powerful the GIVEN experience has been in their lives.

86% of 2019 alumnae said that their experience at the Forum influenced their educational and professional pursuits.

98% said that what they learned at the Forum has remained relevant in their lives.

92% said that Forum helped them in their discernment.

100% said that they would recommend GIVEN to a friend.

Receiving the Gift

“I can’t recommend GIVEN enough! The forum really helped renew my faith, reenergize me and redirect my goals. I’m so grateful for the experience!”

“My experience at the GIVEN forum was life-giving. The talks have made a deep impression on me.”

“I absolutely loved my experience, which came at a time when I desperately needed what the Forum gave me–space to step back from work & struggles, to be in the presence of Our Lord, and rediscover His love for me.”

“You’ve helped me to know more fully who I am and how to live and love as a woman of God!”

Realizing the Gift

“Because of GIVEN, I am now planning on using my law degree to further the mission of the Church in pro-life and pro-family work.”

“I have decided to apply to an educational position to form young adults in service of the Church due to my initial desire to implement my action plan!”

“I attended GIVEN as a recent undergrad graduate, not really knowing what I wanted to do. I ended up learning of my current graduate school program through a fellow attendee and was inspired by other women who worked in ministry. GIVEN was the catalyst that led to my decision to get a Masters in Theology and pursue ministry work.”

Responding with the Gift that only I can give

“After hearing talks from women like Sr. Norma Pimentel and speaking with the Little Sisters of the Poor throughout the week, I was inspired to look into pursuing a career as a social worker and have since gotten my Master’s degree in social work. I now work full-time alongside of Sister Norma at the border.

“My small group encouraged me to write about gender identity and to pursue my vocational calling on life issues, to deepen my spiritual life and embrace community. These gifts can’t be quantified but have so enriched my life, and I owe them to GIVEN.”

Experiencing a Beautiful Community of Women

“GIVEN is so life-enriching. I have befriended some of the best Catholic women I know today from GIVEN, thanks to the amazing Catholic female community they have.”

“This is NOT like other ‘retreats’ where you come down off the spiritual high of the mountaintop and it fades into the background.  With GIVEN you are walking back down the mountain with an army of sisters who will all help each other work in the vineyards down below. GIVEN gave me powerfully spiritual, yet also powerfully practical, formation which informs my every discernment and decision in life!”

 “I am immensely grateful to be a part of the GIVEN network. I get to connect with this powerhouse of Catholic women.”