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Join GIVEN in Southern California for a GIVEN Gathering! Open to women of all ages, this gathering will be a taste of GIVEN and an opportunity to hear speakers who inspire you to receive the gift that you are, realize the gifts you’ve been given, and respond with the gift only you can give.


Scholarships are available!



8:15 am St. Edward the Confessor daily Mass
8:30-9:30 am Check-in
9:30 am Welcome
10:00 am Talk: Receive the Gift that you Are – Sr. Mary Madeline Todd, OP
10:45 am Break
11:10 am Talk: Realize the Gifts You’ve Been Given – Jill Simons
11:50 pm Small group discussion
12:15 pm Lunch and Networking; Visit Exhibitor Tables
1:30 pm Talk: Respond With the Gift Only You Can Give – Pia de Solenni
2:25 pm Mini Talk: Your Personal Action Plan
3:00 pm Holy Hour and Confession
4:00 pm Closing Remarks


Sr. Mary Madeline Todd, OP: Receive the Gift That You Are

Sister Mary Madeline Todd, O.P., a Dominican Sister of Saint Cecilia, finds joy in sharing the teaching ministry of Christ. After completing a Masters in Theology at Franciscan University of Steubenville, she pursued her Doctorate in Sacred Theology at the Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas. Sister writes and speaks on spiritual and moral theology, and she serves as a member of the Catholic Women’s Forum and on the Board of Directors for the GIVEN Institute. Sister Mary Madeline currently teaches theology at Aquinas College in Nashville, Tennessee where she finds joy in helping students discover the liberating truth of who they are in Christ.

Jill Simons: Realize the Gifts You’ve Been Given

Jill Simons is Executive Director at Many Parts Ministries, an organization that helps individuals understand their unique role in the Body of Christ by discerning their charisms. As part of her role at Many Parts she enjoys authoring books on charisms, such as the Essential Handbook on Living Your Charisms, podcasting on the Charisms for Catholics and Free for the Fruit podcasts, mentoring others, and traveling the country speaking. She is also founder and Creative Director at Pink Salt Riot. She is also a wife and mom of four, enjoying family life in Tulsa, OK.

Dr. Pia de Solenni: Respond With the Gift Only You Can Give

Pia de Solenni, SThD serves as Senior Director of Corporate Engagement for IWPCapital.com. She is a moral theologian, ethicist, and cultural analyst (MoralThelogian.com). Combining a unique blend of a background in policy and academia, she has served in various posts. Most recently, she was a principal founder of the Global Institute of Church Management. Before that, she served as Chancellor of the Diocese of Orange, California, and Theological Advisor to the Bishop. Her work has appeared in various publications including America, The Wall Street Journal Europe, The Washington Post, National Catholic Reporter, among many others. She is a consultant member of the Pontifical Academy of St. Thomas Aquinas and her doctoral dissertation was recognized by the Academy with an award presented by St. John Paul II. She earned her doctorate in moral theology at the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross. She lives in San Diego, California with her husband.


Jessie Leatherby GIVEN ’24: Emcee

Jessie Leatherby is the Founder of Painted Hearts Project, a Catholic creative project platform that seeks to reveal and explore the beauty of each person’s God given uniqueness through conversation, art, accompaniment, and healing. She is also the host of the Painted Hearts Podcast, an interview style podcast in which faithful friends and mentors ponder and share their passions on various faith-based topics that set their unique hearts on fire. 

Jessie received a Bachelors in Humanities and Catholic Culture from Franciscan University (‘20) as well as a Masters in Theological Studies with a concentration in Mariology (‘23), before ultimately working for the University to help build the Student Engagement Department. She is originally from Sacramento, California where her family runs a chain of Ice Cream Parlors, Leatherby’s Family Creamery. Responding to a call to serve the Church in a broader way, she recently relocated to Irvine CA. She now works for the Napa Institute, a Catholic non-profit that seeks to empower leaders to rebuild the Church and renew the culture. 

Jessie is most passionate about fostering authentic relationship through her projects and seeks to use her platforms, speaking, teaching, and art to ultimately draw people into authentic relationship with God. She can be found @painted.hearts.project on Instagram and on Spotify & Apple Podcasts @ Painted Hearts Podcast. The newest season will include interviews from various GIVEN mentors!



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Please contact us with any questions or to learn more about scholarships, sponsorship and exhibitor opportunities.