Dallas GIVEN Gathering
February 15 @ 8:00 am - 4:00 pm CST
Join GIVEN in Dallas for a GIVEN Gathering! Open to women of all ages, this gathering will be a taste of GIVEN and an opportunity to hear speakers who inspire you to receive the gift that you are, realize the gifts you’ve been given, and respond with the gift only you can give.
8:00-9:00 am Check in
9:15 am Welcome
Fervorino – Jennifer Baugh
9:30 am Receive the Gift You Are – Sr. Mary Gabriel, SV
10:15 am Break
10:40 am Talk: Realize the Gifts You’ve Been Given – Dr. Irene Alexander
11:20 am Small groups
11:40 am Lunch
1:00 pm Talk: Respond With the Gift Only You Can Give – Dr. Kathryn Rombs
1:50 pm Mini Talk: Your Personal Action Plan
2:30 pm Holy Hour and Confession
3:30 pm Closing Remarks
5:30 pm Vigil Mass at Church of the Incarnation
Jennifer Baugh: Fervorino
Jennifer is the Founder and an Advisor of Young Catholic Professionals (YCP), a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization with a mission to ‘Work in Witness for Christ’. She received her Bachelor’s of Science in Marketing from Trinity University and her MBA from Texas A&M University. Jennifer worked for Merrill Lynch in the Global Wealth Management practice and for FTI Consulting in the Corporate Restructuring practice before starting the YCP ministry in 2010. Jennifer is a mother to three rambunctious little boys and is embracing her role at YCP as Founder and Advisor while joyfully taking the helm of family life.
Sr. Mary Gabriel, SV: Receive the Gift You Are
Sister Mary Gabriel is a member of the Sisters of Life, a religious community founded by John Cardinal O’Connor and dedicated to the protection and enhancement of the sacredness of human life. The community’s apostolates include direct services to women in need and evangelizing on God’s plan for life and love (www.sistersoflife.org). Originally from Long Island, NY, Sr. Mary Gabriel earned a degree from the University of Dallas before entering the Sisters of Life in 1999. She assisted the development of the community’s evangelization mission and served as Vocation Director for 5 years and Novice Director for 10 years before completing a graduate degree in theology at the John Paul II Institute in Washington, DC. She has been involved with GIVEN since its inception, and currently serves as President and Chair of the Board.
Dr. Irene Alexander: Realize the Gifts You’ve Been Given
Irene Alexander is an Associate Professor of moral theology at the University of Dallas. She earned her MA and PhD summa cum laude from Ave Maria University. She teaches courses on moral theology, bioethics, Christian marriage, Scripture and tradition. Her scholarship can be be found in The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly, the Linacre Quarterly, Nova et Vetera, and the Josephinum. She is passionate about empowering women to listen to the voice of God in their lives and use their gifts to bring more love and joy to the world.
Dr. Kathryn Rombs: Respond With the Gift Only You Can Give
Dr. Kathryn Rombs is the founder of Mighty Is Her Call, Inc., a ministry whose mission is to bring to light the Christ-like nature of the vocation of motherhood. She believes that Catholic mothers, especially open-to-life Catholic mothers, are unseen heroines who are embodying the spirit of Christ in profound and powerful ways. Kathryn currently resides in Rome, Italy, where she is either teaching philosophy at the University of Dallas’s Rome Program or earning a pontifical degree in theology at the Angelicum. Her doctorate from Fordham University is in philosophy with a specialization in Thomas Aquinas. She and her husband Ron have six children, one who is married and has a child, two of whom are students at the University of Dallas, and three of whom still live with Ron and Kathryn in their home away from home in Italy. You can discover what Kathryn is teaching at UD, what she is learning at the Angelicum, and what she is discovering as she explores Italy—all on her blog, “Eucharistic Motherhood.” Her writing sometimes appears in Magnificat, and she is author of the book, Motherhood: An Extraordinary Vocation.
Emcee: Kailey Killian
As the Senior Director of Chapter Operations at YCP, Kailey spearheads the development and enhancement of chapter initiatives to ensure a robust and impactful experience for YCP members. Her role is pivotal in guiding chapters to foster professional growth, build meaningful connections, and integrate Catholic values into their careers. Kailey joined the YCP team in 2024, leveraging her experience from serving on the inaugural YCP New York City Leadership Team. Her consulting experience with Deloitte and PricewaterhouseCoopers, combined with her Master’s in Business Analytics from the University of Notre Dame, has sharpened her organizational and leadership skills and given her a broad industry perspective. Kailey’s commitment to nurturing the YCP community is evident in her dedication to empowering members to excel in their professional lives while living out their faith.
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