Join GIVEN and Star of the Sea Parish for a Bay Area GIVEN Gathering! Open to women of all ages, this gathering will be a taste of GIVEN and an opportunity to hear speakers who inspire you to receive the gift that you are, realize the gifts you’ve been given, and respond with the gift only you can give.
Registration for this event is now closed. We hope to see you at a future GIVEN event!
In accordance with city and Archdiocesan requirements, we ask that you wear a mask at this event. Breakfast and lunch will be offered outdoors.

Date and Time

7:30 — 8:30 Check-in
7:30 — 8:15 Sacrament of Reconciliation Available
8:30 — 9:15 Mass
Breakfast Available after Mass
9:45 — 10:00 Opening Prayer and Welcome
10:00 — 11:15 Talk: Receive the Gift that You Are & Small Groups
11:15 — 11:30 Individual Reflection & Break
11:30 — 12:45 Talk: Realize the Gifts You’ve Been Given & Small Groups
12:45 — 1:45 Lunch, Sacrament of Reconciliation Available
1:45 — 3:00 Talk: Respond with the Gift Only You Can Give & Small Groups
3:00 — 3:15 Individual Reflection & Break
3:15 — 3:45 Action Plan Workshop
3:45 — 4:00 Closing Remarks

Kathleen Domingo: Receive the Gift that You Are
Kathleen Domingo serves as Executive Director of the California Catholic Conference.
Kathleen lobbies on behalf of the 12 Catholic dioceses in California, representing the bishops of California on issues such as human life and dignity, strong healthy families, racial justice, environmental justice, healthcare access, housing, restorative justice, educational excellence and religious liberty.
This legislative session, the CA Catholic Conference successfully fought to amend a bill that would have significantly expanded physician assisted suicide in CA. This is the first time assisted suicide expansion in any state has been thwarted.
Kathleen served for eight years in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles as Senior Director of the Office of Life, Justice and Peace. She led OneLife LA, created Respect Life Week, and built the first Caring for the Whole Person diocesan-based program in the nation.
Kathleen is a national speaker, writer, and organizer. She regularly shares her insights and resources with dioceses and organizations around the country and internationally.
Kathleen holds a BS from the University of San Francisco as well as a Certificate from its St Ignatius Institute. She earned a Master’s degree in Theology from the Pontifical John Paul II Institute for Studies in Marriage and Family in Washington, DC.
Kathleen and her husband Rocky, along with their two sons Joseph and Owen, are members of Holy Spirit Parish in Sacramento, CA.
Sarah Ku: Realize the Gifts You’ve Been Given
Sarah is a biracial, Korean and white, mom of five young kids. She was raised in the Protestant church and after graduation, worked full-time in campus ministry with InterVarsity Christian Fellowship at USC and Stanford. Through InterVarsity, Sarah grew in the values of multiethnicity, social justice, and evangelization. It was while working with InterVarsity that she began exploring the Catholic Church, and after a three year journey, she entered the Church in 2009.
Sarah and her husband Patrick raise their family in California’s Silicon Valley and in the last decade, they have spent time actively involved in both the Chinese-American and Korean-American communities. Sarah has continued her love for ministry through mentoring young adult leaders. She shares her voice through A Growing Home Podcast, a space to explore how their family is living out their faith as an Asian Catholic family. Sarah also explores Asian Catholic faith through @asiancatholicwoman on Instagram.
Sister Maria Frassati, OP: Respond With the Gift Only You Can Give
Sr. Maria Frassati Jakupcak, OP, has been a member of the Dominican Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist since 2001.
Fr. Luke Joseph Leighton, CFR: Chaplain
Fr. Luke grew up in Red Bank, NJ. He had a conversion experience in high school that led him to receive the Sacraments of Initiation at 15 years old. About a year later he felt invited by the Lord to share in his Priesthood. As a seminarian for the Diocese of Trenton, he attended Seton Hall University where his knowledge of the faith and the life of prayer grew tremendously. After college graduation, he entered the Franciscan Friar of the Renewal, and has been serving in the friars’ mission of preaching the Gospel and attending to the needs of the poor in NYC for fifteen years. Fr. Luke was ordained a priest by His Eminence Timothy Cardinal Dolan at St. Patrick’s Cathedral in May of 2013. He recently completed the Institute for Priestly Formation’s Spiritual Direction Training Program.
Are you a GIVEN alumna or religious sister who would like to volunteer at this event? Email us!