This specialty is designed for Catholic women called to a secular workplace or to the public square (e.g. business, finance/accounting, law, sports management/coaching, small business owner, educational leadership, government/public policy, journalist) who desire support as they integrate faith and professional life, navigate secular controversies with faith, and grow as a Catholic and a leader in the secular world. They will be mentored by Catholic professionals and executives who work in a diversity of fields.
Regina Boyd – Communication, Boundaries and Avoiding Burnout Workshop
Regina Boyd, LMHC presents a leadership training session at the 2022 GIVEN Forum. Leadership trainings offer skills that are practical and valuable for Catholic female leaders [...]
Sister Miriam James Heidland, SOLT – Receving the Gift of Femininity
What is Catholic femininity, and how do you receive it as a gift even through woundedness? Sr. Miriam James Heidland from the Society of Our Lady [...]
Sr. Bethany Madonna, S.V. – Action Plan
How do you put your dreams into action for God? Sister Bethany Madonna of the Sisters of Life speaks at the 2016 GIVEN Institute Catholic Young [...]
The Temperament God Gave You – Art and Laraine Bennett
Art & Laraine Bennett talk about temperament psychology and the 4 temperaments (choleric, melancholic, phlegmatic, sanguine) to emerging Catholic female leaders at the 2019 GIVEN Catholic [...]
Feminine Genius – Helen Alvaré
What is the feminine genius? Helen Alvaré (George Mason law professor, Women Speak for Themselves) speaks about the twoness of humanity and the feminine genius at [...]
The Holy Spirit’s Gift of the Kingdom – Dr. Mary Healy
Who is the Holy Spirit to us? Dr. Mary Healy unpacks the divine gift through the gospel story of the woman at the well. A talk [...]
Discovering the Freedom of True Femininity – Laura Wolk
Laura Wolk, the first-ever blind woman to serve as a Supreme Court clerk, speaks about femininity during the Millennials on Mission panel at the 2019 GIVEN [...]
A Physician’s Vocation to Care for the Human Person – Dr. Monique Ruberu
Pro-life Catholic OB-GYN Doctor Monique Ruberu speaks at the 2019 GIVEN Catholic Young Women's Leadership Forum.
Entrusted with Economic Issues – Dr. Catherine Pakaluk
How can we activate the feminine genius in economic matters? Dr. Catherine Pakaluk speaks at the 2016 GIVEN Catholic Young Women's Leadership Forum.
Caring for the Human Person – Dr. Mary Ann Sorra
Catholic OB-GYN Dr. Mary Ann Sorra speaks on the Engaging the Culture panel at the 2021 GIVEN Catholic Young Women's Leadership Forum.
Blog Posts
The Love of My Mother
The day is over now, with all its cares and worries. I stand in front of the image of Our Lady of Guadalupe and slowly lay my head against her chest. I imagine her arms encircling me. Wrapped within her mantle, I can almost hear the slow beating of her heart. Here, I know that I am loved. Without a need for words, I allow her to hold me at the end of this day, her love my place of refuge. “Am I not here, I who am your Mother?” she gently asks, “Could there be anything else you need?”
Recovering a Lost Vocation
Pentecostal experience. These are the two words I use to describe my GIVEN experience. For over a year, I had longed and prayed for something like GIVEN to help discern my lost vocation. Before GIVEN, I was studying international relations and was presented with the opportunity to work for the Long Beach Mayor’s Office. My passion and drive to bring about peace surfaced all the more as I assisted with the city’s international trade. Three months into my internship, I was invited to the United Nations Leadership Summit in Washington D.C. My dream at that time was to work for the United Nations, so this opportunity was a dream come true.
Women, Rise Up! Catholic Female Leaders in Action
During Women’s History Month, we are all more keenly aware of the impact of women leaders upon society. Especially on March 8th, media outlets and all of our favorite Instagram accounts were proudly promoting women’s accomplishments and sharing stories of heroines. But does Women’s History Month include Catholic female leaders? Sometimes, yes! Last week, CNN released the headline that Colorado will replace Columbus Day with Cabrini Day, the first paid holiday recognizing a woman in the US. I was thrilled to see this Catholic religious sister, known as the patron saint of immigrants, being recognized by secular outlets!
Being Receptive in a Tumultuous Time
“As I reflected on the Given Forum 2019, the word ‘receptive’ had been planted on my heart. I had uncertainty about whether I was magnifying my gifts in my current life as a high school history teacher and coach at an all-girls Catholic school outside of Washington D.C. I loved the school, my students, and my coworkers, but I still felt a sense of restlessness in the silence. I was ready and receptive–with arms stretched out– to use my gifts to glorify God and to follow wherever He was leading me."
Advocacy Doesn’t End at the Ballot Box
It’s been 100 years since women earned the right to vote, 56 years since that right was extended to all women in our society. But the divisiveness and animosity of recent election cycles have left many feeling jaded, depressed, unheard, frustrated, and just plain over it. Can you relate?
Embracing Your Femininity in Leadership: Q&A with Meghan Cokeley
During our first annual International Women’s Day Panel, you submitted so many excellent questions to our panel that we weren’t able to answer them all. So, we asked professional women from our GIVEN network to respond to them through our Blog! In this post (1 of 3) Meghan Cokeley, Director of the Office for the New Evangelization for the Archdiocese of Philadelphia, shares her thoughts on what inspires her, what keeps her grounded and how we can discern God’s will for our lives.
Embracing Your Gifts: Q&A with Rachel Bulman
During our first annual International Women’s Day Panel, you submitted so many excellent questions to our panel that we weren’t able to answer them all. So, we asked professional women from our GIVEN network to respond to them through our Blog! In this post (2 of 3) Rachel Bulman shares her thoughts on the importance of using her gifts, the most important woman in her life, and hearing her vocational call.
Embracing Your Single Years: Q&A with Beth Leverich
During our first annual International Women’s Day Panel, you submitted so many excellent questions to our panel that we weren’t able to answer them all. So, we asked professional women from our GIVEN network to respond to them through our Blog! In this post ( 3 of 3) Beth Leverich shares her thoughts on motivation in a period of waiting, prayer, and more!
Veterans: Giving Back to Those Who Gave So Much
Have you ever wondered how to show your support for the veterans in your life? The people that fought for our freedoms often go under-appreciated once their service days are behind them. But, it shouldn’t be that way as these heroes need us now just as much as we needed them then. In today’s GIVEN blog, we touch on a few ways to help those who have served us in the front lines.
6 Expenses to Watch Out for When Changing Careers
Perhaps you’re changing careers for a more lucrative salary – but taking on a new job often comes with unexpected hidden expenses. As a woman in the workforce, you want to get ahead, yet you don’t want to be caught off guard by surprise expenses as you advance in your new job. Consider the following tips when you’re changing careers.
Finding Peace in the Smaller Dreams
As I entered the campus of the Catholic University of America for the 2021 GIVEN forum, I was filled with excitement. The place was buzzing with conversation as young women picked up their name tags and room keys, disorientedly but joyfully familiarizing themselves with what would be their home for the next five days. And I could feel from that joy that I was entering into something truly beautiful, something possibly, hopefully, transformative.
Nnemka Nwajiaku
Location: Charlotte, NC Job Title: Clinical Research Coordinator Education: University of South Carolina College of Pharmacy Degree: Bachelor of Science Nnemka Nwajiaku, [...]
Perpetua Charles
Location: Boston, MA Job Title: Publicist Organization: Beacon Press Education: Florida Southern College (BA) & Emerson College (MA) Degree: Bachelor of Arts in [...]