Location: San Diego, CA
Job Title: Pediatric Hematology/Oncology RN
Organization: Rady Children’s Hospital, San Diego
Education: American University, Washington DC; University of San Diego Hahn School of Nursing
Degree: Bachelor of Science Health Promotions, Masters in Nursing
Natalie (Nelly) Marsh, GIVEN ’19
“The GIVEN Forum has shaped my heart and vocation in inexplicable ways. The fruits of my time at GIVEN are still unfolding on a regular basis–rooted in learning to recognize my unique gifts and calls from the Lord, preparing to follow Him into unknown and sometimes scary ministry, and understanding the unique beauty given to women to serve and love, only as a mother can!”
Please share a little about yourself – feel free to include a fun fact!
I am a Catholic convert, nurse, friend, runner, hiker, adventure-seeker, lover of books, developing writer, and an avid coffee drinker with an extreme appreciation for Justin’s peanut butter cups and ice cream. My full name is Natalie, but as a freshman student-athlete in college I was given the nickname Nelly from my upperclassmen teammates. The new nickname became part of my new identity as I grew to know the Lord and become Catholic throughout my four years at the university and I continue to introduce myself as Nelly today.
Describe your professional work. How were you led to this? What are you passionate about?
After graduating, I moved from Washington, DC to San Diego to pursue a graduate degree in nursing; God provided a special opportunity for my current vocation as a pediatric hematology-oncology nurse. This is a very unique and special job–I work with some of the most resilient, faithful, and amazing kiddos! Working on a cancer unit means I am present with patients and their families in the extremes of life–the brightest of joys and the scariest of lows. I am grateful in this calling to bring Jesus’s light and love to families in their most vulnerable seasons. It is an avenue to be a spiritual mother to both my patients and their families.
“I am grateful in this calling to bring Jesus’s light and love to families in their most vulnerable seasons.”
I spend my free time serving in local ministries and am currently in training to walk with women in crisis pregnancies at a pro-life medical clinic. I have a passion for women’s ministry and am looking forward to the ways Jesus will continue to help me invest my time and talent in this demographic.
Through all these transitions and opportunities, I most clearly see the Lord’s hand as I reflect on where I’ve been and where I am. In prayerful “rear view mirror” reflections, many graces I did not notice at the time stand out, and I am able to give praise to Him for how His hand leads!
What women inspire you, and why?
I am so grateful for my mother and my two best friends, Stephanie and Grace, who inspire me most in this world and encourage me to be the best, most virtuous person and daughter of God. They are always there to remind me to be the light, run the race towards the cross, and fully embrace the life that Christ calls me to. In my short Catholic life, I have grown close to Saint Margaret Mary, my confirmation namesake, who reminds me to keep my heart open to the often surprising graces of Jesus’s Sacred Heart!
What is the best advice/encouragement you’ve received about vocational discernment?
When I was on pilgrimage in Fatima in 2017, Sister Mary Concepta from the Sisters of Life gave a very providential talk about vocations as we sat at the footsteps of Mary’s apparition site. She said, “If you mirror Mary in your heart every day and sincerely pray, ‘Be it done unto me according to thy word’, you will know your vocation…I guarantee it”.
“If you mirror Mary in your heart every day and sincerely pray, ‘Be it done unto me according to thy word’, you will know your vocation…I guarantee it”
Each day I try to remind myself of this promise as I continue to walk into the fullness of Love that Jesus wants for me. As a young, single Catholic woman I’ve been blessed by seasons of actively discerning religious life and seasons of openness to a vocation to marriage. For now I strive to listen and respond to Jesus’ call on a day-to-day basis.
Prayer is essential for everyone, but especially for women who are active in the life and mission of the Church. Do you have any favorite devotions or prayers?
I love the Sacred Heart of Jesus!!! Oh, how the mercy and love of His heart has led me! The Sacred Heart has played a distinct role in my conversion and I often find myself running to Him when I’m struggling or feeling low. His mercy is unfathomable, but the little tastes we get on this side of the veil are so very sweet.
“His mercy is unfathomable, but the little tastes we get on this side of the veil are so very sweet.”
Do you have a favorite inspirational quote?
Don’t shine so that others can see you. Shine so that through you others can see Him.” ~ Saint Thérèse of Lisieux”
What were your key takeaways from the GIVEN Forum?
I will never forget being in adoration on the last day of the GIVEN forum. After four days of prayer, community and formation, unexplainable beautiful gifts poured out of every woman present in that intimate space with the Lord. In every direction, women sang powerful prayers from the depth of their hearts–the feminine genius of the room was palpable. It was a true gift to have received knowledge of our dignity and strength, as designed by God, and to be a part of this tangible outpouring of love! The GIVEN Forum has shaped my heart and vocation in inexplicable ways. The fruits of my time at GIVEN are still unfolding on a regular basis–rooted in learning to recognize my unique gifts and calls from the Lord, preparing to follow Him into unknown and sometimes scary ministry, and understanding the unique beauty given to women to serve and love, only as a mother can! I am confident that GIVEN has created a solid foundation for my continued pursuit of discerning my Vocation. In regards to my professional vocation, GIVEN planted seeds of truth and desire that continue to unfold, including my involvement in pro-life ministry and the desire to write more. My Action Plan has had many bumps and barriers and may not be able to come to fruition in the way I expected, yet, I praise the Lord for the ways He continues to open doors to invest my heart and talents in alignment with both His Will and my own.
“In every direction, women sang powerful prayers from the depth of their hearts–the feminine genius of the room was palpable.”