Megan Haile

Events and Marketing Director

Megan grew up Catholic and considers her college years to be the time when she entered into an intentional and passionate relationship with Christ. Through the friendship of a FOCUS missionary, Megan was blessed to learn about discipleship and mission simultaneously and just “jump right in.” She learned that you cannot separate following Jesus from inviting others to follow Him. She was moved by the ideas that “the Church exists to evangelize” (Evangelii Nuntiandi) and “an obligation [to preach the gospel] has been imposed…woe to me if I do not proclaim it!” (1 Cor. 9:16). Megan loves reading and learning, so publications and books like Pope Paul VI’s Evangelii Nuntiandi, Pope John Paul II’s Mulieris Dignitatem, Alice von Hildebrand’s The Privilege of Being a Woman, and St. Louis de Montfort’s True Devotion to Mary were meaningful in forming Megan’s identity as a disciple and as a daughter–a woman–of God.

Prior to joining GIVEN, Megan worked for FOCUS and She+ Geeks Out, inviting women into leadership and community. She has worked in ministry, event planning, and administrative capacities and thrives when working with an epic to-do list. She is a graduate of New York University, where she majored in Media, Culture, and Communications. Megan cares deeply about the “little-c” catholic identity of the Church and works to increase the breadth of diversity and representation in projects she is involved with.