More information about the 2024 GIVEN Forum can be found in these FAQs.

What is the GIVEN Catholic Young Women’s Leadership Forum?

The GIVEN Forum is a one-of-a-kind, multi-day event that provides leadership training, faith formation, and networking opportunities to emerging Catholic female leaders. It is designed to help young adult Catholic women with a heart for mission and an aptitude for leadership identify their particular gifts and find practical pathways to put them in the service of the Gospel.

When will the next GIVEN Forum take place?

The next GIVEN Forum will be in late spring 2026. Follow us on social media and subscribe to our mailing list for the latest Forum updates, including the date, location and application deadline.

Who should apply to the GIVEN Forum?

The GIVEN Institute welcomes young adult Catholic women to apply for the Catholic Young Women’s Leadership Forum between the ages of 21 and 35, who have significant leadership experience or leadership potential, who are engaged in their Catholic faith, and who desire to cultivate their gifts to enrich the culture, the Church, and those in their care. Women enrolled in OCIA programs may also apply.

Can I bring my baby to the Forum?

Yes, mothers are welcome to bring infants under 1 year to the Forum.

How many people will participate in the Forum?

The GIVEN Institute will welcome 100-200 young women leaders to participate in the Forum.

What do past participants say about the GIVEN Forum?

“There were so many examples of women in the Church living vibrantly through different vocations. As a single woman with a career in business, being present at GIVEN opened my eyes to see that God can do anything with your ‘Yes’ if you give it to Him.”

“I had been discerning a vocation to the religious life for a few years before attending GIVEN, and although not expecting it at all, it was at GIVEN that God clearly called me to Himself. I went to the forum simply looking for leadership skills and networking opportunities with other Catholic women, and I left joyfully accepting God’s call to be totally His. I am now applying to a religious order!”

“GIVEN helped me to reexamine what I always felt was a tension between the vocation of a wife and mother with professional aspirations. It helped me to understand better the many fruitful ways that women live out their vocations in an integrated way.”

Can international students or citizens of another country apply?

Yes! Past participants have come from many countries, including Canada, Ireland, Mexico, Singapore and the Philippines. International applicants should note that they will be responsible for traveling to the Forum and coordinating any needed documentation.

How much does it cost to attend the Forum?

Through the generosity of benefactors and philanthropic foundations, the GIVEN Institute has been able to subsidize the cost of the leadership Forum and ongoing programming. Participant contribution to the Forum includes a registration fee of $700 and the cost of travel. Your registration fee includes food and lodging as well as Forum programming and dedicated one-on-one mentorship from August-May following the Forum in late spring 2026.

Will there be scholarships available?

Yes, a limited number of scholarships are available for participants in need of assistance. Applicants will have the opportunity to request a scholarship while completing the application.

Can I fundraise for Forum costs?

Absolutely. The GIVEN Institute encourages accepted participants to seek support from friends, family, parish members, and others so that they can attend the Forum and bring their gifts back to their local community. Many GIVEN Forum participants have also asked their workplace or diocese to sponsor their attendance.

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