Our Lady of Guadalupe Novena (online)
Join religious sisters from across the country for daily novena prayers leading up to Our Lady of Guadalupe's feast day! Meet the orders and watch the daily prayer at this link. Click here to order GIVEN'S Our Lady of Guadalupe prayer card to follow along with the prayers.
Our Lady of Guadalupe Novena
Leading up to Our Lady of Guadalupe’s feast day, join us on YouTube and Instagram as a different order each day prays a novena prayer and shares a little about their lives. We're so excited to pray with the Sisters and honor GIVEN's patroness! Sign up for Email Reminders during the Novena This year's participating orders: [...]
Our Lady of Guadalupe Novena
Leading up to Our Lady of Guadalupe’s feast day, join us on YouTube and Instagram as a different order each day prays a novena prayer and shares a little about their lives. We're so excited to pray with the Sisters and honor GIVEN's patroness! Sign up for Email Reminders during the Novena This year's participating orders: Parish Visitors [...]