Mothers, Daughters, Sisters–Leaders All: Women Leading in the Church
November 15, 2023 @ 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm EST
Join us for an online panel discussion sponsored by CMSWR, the National Review Institute and GIVEN!
In the last month, there has been a controversial synod meeting in the Catholic Church. Beyond headlines and contention, though, women lead every day in the Church and the world with radiance and beauty. They raise families. They make decisions about life and death. They sacrifice and set visions in offices. The GIVEN Institute exists to help prepare and accompany young women, connecting them with examples and mentors. Join us for a conversation about how to set young Christian women up for success and to connect them with this growing network for faithful flourishing. And help them sign up for a forum that may just change their lives this next year.
Speakers include:
Sister Mary Elizabeth Albers, SOLT, is the vocation servant for the Society of Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity. She has served as a missionary teacher in Belize and lives in Seattle.
Megan Haile, Events and Marketing Director, GIVEN Institute. She’s a graduate of NYU and previously worked for the Fellowship for Catholic University Students (FOCUS).
Michelle Hillaert, Executive Director, GIVEN Institute. She’s an author, mother, doula, and designer. She graduated from the Franciscan University of Steubenville.
Moderated by Kathryn Jean Lopez, Senior Fellow, National Review Institute; Director for the Center for Religion, Culture, and Civil Society at NRI; and Religion Editor of National Review. Lopez has been present at every GIVEN Forum since it started in 2016.