San Francisco GIVEN Gathering
January 29, 2022 @ 8:30 am - 4:00 pm PST
| $75.00Join GIVEN and Star of the Sea Parish for a Bay Area GIVEN Gathering! Open to women of all ages, this gathering will be a taste of GIVEN and an opportunity to hear speakers who inspire you to receive the gift that you are, realize the gifts you’ve been given, and respond with the gift only you can give.
Click here for more information.
7:30 — 8:30 Check-in
7:30 — 8:15 Sacrament of Reconciliation Available
8:30 — 9:15 Mass
Breakfast Available after Mass
9:45 — 10:00 Opening Prayer and Welcome
10:00 — 11:15 Talk: Receive the Gift that You Are & Small Groups
11:15 — 11:30 Individual Reflection & Break
11:30 — 12:45 Talk: Realize the Gifts You’ve Been GIVEN & Small Groups
12:45 — 1:45 Lunch, Sacrament of Reconciliation Available
1:45 — 3:00 Talk: Respond with the Gift Only You Can Give & Small Groups
3:00 — 3:15 Individual Reflection & Break
3:15 — 3:45 Action Plan Workshop
3:45 — 4:00 Closing Remarks
Limited scholarship funds are available; please contact us if the ticket price for this event creates a hardship.
Ticket sales for this event are now closed. We hope to see you at a future event!