St. Marianne Cope

Skilled Administrator, Creator of Beauty, Mother of Lepers in Hawaii St. Marianne Cope St. Marianne Cope’s love of and gift for creating beauty and cleanliness served to bring peace and joy to those around her throughout her life. She was born Barbara Koob in the year 1838 in West Germany. As a small child, her [...]

St. Marianne Cope2021-09-02T22:38:16-04:00

Flannery O’Connor

Author, Apologist, Feisty, Insightful Portrayer of Human Nature Flannery O’Connor When discussions at a famous literary gathering turned towards the Holy Eucharist, one well-known writer commented that the Eucharist was a symbol, and a pretty good one at that. Flannery O’Connor stood up, and with a shaky voice, responded, “Well, if it’s just a symbol, [...]

Flannery O’Connor2024-09-27T12:54:04-04:00

Edel Quinn

Irish Musician and Athlete, African Missionary, Lover of the Blessed Virgin Mary Edel Quinn Edel Quinn was born in Ireland in 1907 and was known for her natural good looks, sense of fashion, and wide-ranging talents that allowed her to excel in her studies, sports, music, singing, and acting. People were drawn to her attractive [...]

Edel Quinn2021-09-02T22:28:23-04:00

Dorothy Day

Bohemian Lifestyle, Radical Social and Political Activist, Mother, Convert Dorothy Day Dorothy Day was a radical social and political activist who experienced failed love affairs, suffered an abortion, and attempted suicide before experiencing a spiritual awakening that led to her conversion to Catholicism. Dorothy was born in Brooklyn, New York in 1897 and became interested [...]

Dorothy Day2024-09-27T13:15:14-04:00

Elisabeth Leseur

Wife, Convert, Socialite, Mystic, Lover of Beauty, Evangelist Elisabeth Leseur As a married woman and mystic whose prayer and suffering converted her atheist husband, Elisabeth Leseur is a compelling example of holiness lived in the context of marriage and in secular society. Raised in a wealthy Parisian home as the daughter of a distinguished lawyer, [...]

Elisabeth Leseur2021-09-02T22:19:57-04:00

St. Maria Goretti

Big Sister, Patroness of Youth and Purity, Converted Her Murder St. Maria Goretti "In Maria Goretti shines out the radical choice of the Gospel, unhindered, indeed strengthened by the inevitable sacrifice that faithful adherence to Christ demands.” These are the powerful words of St. John Paul II, referring to the youngest canonized saint in the [...]

St. Maria Goretti2021-09-02T22:18:11-04:00
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