Life Transitions: Discerning Your Gifts and Making a Plan
God has a purpose and mission for you! Figuring out exactly what that purpose and mission are is never more pressing than when making a life change or transition. In her presentation, Glory will help us manage transitions and wisely choose the next path. Grounded in over fifteen years of experience helping women transition out of missionary service and religious life, Glory has real world tips for the spiritual side of the journey.
Glory Darbellay
Glory Darbellay is originally from Saskatchewan, Canada, and has been consecrated to Our Lord in Regnum Christi, a Society of Apostolic Life, for twenty five years. She has a Bachelors degree in Pastoral Studies, and a Masters degree in Religious Sciences. Her ministries have included youth ministry, adult pastoral ministry, national director for Regnum Christ Mission Corps, and member of the council for the consecrated women of Regnum Christi in North America. Currently, she is the local director for her community, and a spiritual director and preacher at Our Lady of Bethesda Retreat Center.