How did the GIVEN Forum accelerate your plans?
“I think there’s so much listening and learning that happens at the GIVEN Forum. Even if you have an idea beforehand it’s likely to change so many times. Reflection during and after the actual event was key in helping me develop my action plan.
At the Forum, my action plan morphed and changed as I brainstormed with other women, bounced ideas off them, and found new inspiration. I had a vague idea before the Forum, but the Forum itself helped shape my action plan. I left with something pretty different than what I came with.”
“We received so many resources/ideas/opportunities to network at the GIVEN Forum, and because of this, I know that many of us actually changed our action plans. My action plan changed a lot. I think it can be very intimidating to have to create an action plan when you don’t even know what the Lord will put on your heart yet. If someone already has an idea that’s awesome, but I still got a lot out of given and it’s impacted a lot of areas of my life and now others’ lives even though I didn’t really have a solid plan.”
“The GIVEN Forum was a good place to develop action plan ideas and be given good advice in how to launch it.”
“I think the many great things that I learned during the GIVEN Forum from the speakers and trainings and conversations with other attendees would have been helpful in starting to discern the best action plan. The Forum was a great place for ideas and brainstorming and networking and learning more about myself, and therefore I probably should have used more time to think/pray about how my gifts could be best utilized in an action plan.”
“It was good for me to have thoughts going in my mind before I even got to the GIVEN Forum about what I would like to do, but then things changed during and after GIVEN that affected my plan.”