What is GIVEN?
The GIVEN Institute (“GIVEN”) is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to activating the gifts of young adult women for the Church and the world. Through leadership training, faith formation, and dedicated mentoring, GIVEN forms women for mission and for life.

GIVEN forms
women for mission
and for life

What Does GIVEN offer?
Catholic Young Women’s Leadership Forum
The flagship event of the GIVEN Institute is the Leadership Forum. This five-day event is designed for young adult Catholic women, ages 21-35, who are seeking leadership training, faith formation, and support to better understand and pursue their particular mission and vocation.
Art of Accompaniment mentoring program
Women who attend the Leadership Forum join the year-long Art of Accompaniment Mentoring Program. They receive one-on-one support from a trained GIVEN mentor as they implement an Action Plan – each young woman’s unique initiative to activate her gifts in her own community for the Church and the world.
GIVEN Network
In addition to these programs, the GIVEN Institute provides ongoing formation through online content and regional events such as local “GIVEN Gatherings,” weekend retreats, and livestreamed prayer with religious sisters.